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Funny and smart pictures chosen the neural network

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  Telegram channel - Telegram channel     t.me/s/oflameron
  Programmers create complex neural networks in Python for biological research. In their free time, they train the neural network to select pictures for comments. This is good practice. It is very interesting.
  There are more successful pictures, there are less successful pictures. All pictures are taken from open free sources and can be freely copied.
  Now more than 2000 pictures have been created. You can see some of the general collection here.
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  Creative pictures
t.me/s/oflameron - WEB channel
  All images are created by the program. Any apparent resemblance to real persons is subjective.
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  A neural network is used to select pictures for comments. This is an experimental Python program. Several hundred pictures have been added to ZIP archives.
  Google Drive. Hundreds of pictures in the archives;
Pictures num.330 in ZIP >>
HOLLYwindow num.340 in ZIP >>
Pictures num.320 in ZIP >>
Pictures num.300 in ZIP >>
Pictures num.290 in ZIP >>
Pictures num.270 in ZIP >>
Pictures num.250 in ZIP >>
Pictures num.240 in ZIP >>
Pictures num.230 in ZIP >>
Pictures num.210 in ZIP >>
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Pictures num.160 in ZIP >>
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    The neural network selects comments to pictures. From the pictures that made up the neural network, they choose those that turned out to be the most interesting. The parameters of the neural network are changed and the work is started again. It is supposed to create a neural network to automatically analyze the results and adjust the parameters of the main network.
Creative Czech Pictures >>
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Picture Gallery


  All images are free content. Can be used in commercial or non-commercial projects
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Picture Gallery